hello once again
as always expirimenting with content of this shit.
so we’ll see how this one goes.
planning to have idk more writing or whatever to accompany,
I need to practice writing well and this seems like a good enough excuse.
maybe spacing it out and reducing images will aslo help. I’ll try a couple things in this one, lmk what works and what doesnt i guess if youd like to
trying this grouping an explanation thing once more, get into the photo blog vibe more
and okay now for a serious an lameish questio regarding like patreon?
is this even a thing? would anyone be interested in supporting me that way? do you support anyone else that way? let me hear about it? idk not the most into the idea but i have been looking and thinknig about new lenses/ printing and frmaing costs lmfao
so let me know your opinions please
anyways here are some pics! felt more in it this time so that was good
imagine being in it while looking at these for the full effect

visitng emily at the wyck one day with haley after checking out cris’ piece at the woodmere. made a tiktok out of these set to slipknots people=shit

vcrazy huge rainbow over nahant right when we get there you could see both sides it was incredible. out and about so couldnt edit these photos at all. also haleys house as like hellish american football is so awesome lmfao

a briefi stay at a hotel in cambrige with haley and cleo so haley could get to her event on time because it was early and cambrige is pretty far from her parents house. bag was already on the smoke detector and i couldnt think of anything better to write on the mirror XD

DEER ISLAND kind of just a dump? like literally? idk and then they had this huge monument to victims of irish famine. very pretty tho

possibly one of my faveorite of these sets. sometime shooting something and it coming out better than you expected happens, sometimes it feels like it keeps happening. Whetehr or not it truly is happening is irrelevant.
these r seperate because they were messing with the slideshows! 40 steps look out sunset walks w haley<3

these r seperate because they were messing with the slideshows! 40 steps look out sunset walks w haley<3

zzz calling it early on this one. we will have just gone camping and will be busy for the next few days so done. I thnk I did better narrowing it down this time >;-) its so easy to share everything but thanks for going through all these for me. thanks